Sunday, September 17, 2017

When The Sahara Desert Was Green - Science Documentary 2017 1,249,742 views 8K 822 SHARE

When The Sahara Desert Was Green - Science Documentary 2017 1,249,742 views 8K 822 SHARE Wonderbook Published on Apr 30, 2017 SUBSCRIBED 52K SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBED UNSUBSCRIBE Category Education License Standard YouTube License 2,630 Comments SORT BY Oscar del Rosario Add a public comment... William R Warren Jr William R Warren Jr 3 months ago That ramp would be bigger than the pyramid itself ... just sayin'.... REPLY 203 View all 144 replies VividStarz1 VividStarz1 3 months ago there are villages in that area that are bringing back green lush lands with trees and other plants. When we plant right and do not over use the land/ water we can bring back the beautiful green lands again. China and other countries are doing this right now and have been for over 10 years. And it is working well. REPLY 156 View all 65 replies Trophy Husband Trophy Husband 3 months ago I used to be a lumberjack in the Sahara Forest. REPLY 245 View all 382 replies Raffaro Raffaro 2 months ago We have a lot of prehistoric Whales in the Senate & Congress ! REPLY 96 View all 18 replies George Petersen 3 months ago 10,000 year old teeth on those skeletons speaks volumes about diet. They still look Perfect. REPLY 77 View all 107 replies Quinten Fisher Quinten Fisher 3 months ago Lots of information missing. Like the fact, every 20,000 years the deserts shift. About 6,500 years ago it was green with water. Earths orbital tilt changes and the deserts follow. What is desert will be green again, what is green will be desert. This will repeat till earths death. REPLY 177 View all 107 replies google user google user 3 months ago I wish Ms. Smith had put on some shorts and a crop top. REPLY 64 View all 22 replies Matthew Desmond Matthew Desmond 2 months ago Antarctica is the biggest desert on the planet not the Sahara REPLY 50 View all 43 replies snapattack snapattack 3 months ago Neolithic aliens driving their huge SUVs in the Sahara caused it to turn it into a desert. REPLY 257 View all 105 replies lakecrab lakecrab 2 months ago We are told by our leaders we can TAX our way out of all these earth changes. REPLY 42 View all 4 replies shawn harold fox firth shawn harold fox firth 3 months ago I imagine we will find similar evidence on Mars REPLY 39 View all 9 replies Michael Adamson Michael Adamson 3 months ago There are shells in Arizona from when it was ocean REPLY 36 View all 19 replies oosveluzo levso oosveluzo levso 2 months ago Government only cares about human made climate change so they can tax you on that.. also later on they will find a way to create a shortage of oxygen and tax you on that too.. REPLY 34 View all 10 replies marko har marko har 3 months ago Trumph got it right about climate change!!!!! The earths natural wobble every 20k years is the cause of our tempature fluction. Great documentry REPLY 31 View all 51 replies Jewel Stone Jewel Stone 4 months ago Really good documentary.. Thnx REPLY 28 View all 4 replies MsSaudm MsSaudm 3 months ago It did NOT take 20 years to build the pyramids That's insane ! Means builders had to place a stone of several tons every minute and 1/2!!! DID NOT HAPPEN. Pyramids are very very old not tombs and not Khufu's work this is all such horse _hit REPLY 141 View all 112 replies Nathan Larin Nathan Larin 2 months ago absolutely fantastic video.We all originated in that cradle of life and the earth pushed us out into the rest of it to explore it's wonders.Truly a shame we overlook the wonders this world has to show us for petty things like politics and war. We have become blind to earth's gift. REPLY 25 View all 3 replies Gary Johnson Gary Johnson 3 months ago humans speeded up this desertification process by cutting down trees for ships, homes, and energy, this deforestation contributed to this climate change....just as we are doing today along with vast amounts of CO2, thus we are speeding up, effecting this desertification my opinion by my own estimation. thank you REPLY 43 View all 87 replies Dave S. Dave S. 2 months ago This is why I don't buy in to the climate change hysteria. The planet has and will change no matter what Humans do REPLY 27 View all 14 replies Michelle Jane Day-Sun Michelle Jane Day-Sun 2 months ago I hate these dumb scientists. There was no dragging bricks or lifting bricks. The bricks were molded using wet sand from the shores of the Nile. The builders did not care whether the sand had sea shells or organisms in the sand, they just scooped the wet sand up off the shore and placed it in animal skin sacks and carried the sand on their backs and with their bodies to the construction site where the bricks were molded right where they are. The bricks were molded one on top of the other and let dry before molding another brick on top of that brick. This is not rocket science. No one can disprove me. The population was not high enough to drag those bricks in the manner scientists keep harping about. It just did not happen. Read more REPLY 27 View all 31 replies Harry Harrison Harry Harrison 2 months ago I was in Libya in 2003 in the Northern Sahara Desert. Sometimes on a friday we would go walking in the desert but not too far. I remember it was always in the vicinity of a mesa where we would find things. Fossilised feces (good paper weights) flint arrowheads, hand axes and flint spearheads. On walking one day I suddenly became aware of a crunching noise and it was the sound of us walking on thousands of small sea shells. It kind of blows your mind walking in the desert and then realising it was once ocean and you are walking in it! Read more REPLY 19 View all 2 replies Carl Ruffier Carl Ruffier 2 months ago You know it is a fucking shame all this work and research is wasted on you retards. REPLY 16 View all 2 replies Michael James Michael James 3 months ago (edited) Silly scientists. Don't they know that climate change is caused by humans and the only way to stop it is to tax citizens to death with a carbon tax and Obamacare? REPLY 73 View all 20 replies Chris Metcalf Chris Metcalf 2 months ago Well this is sure to bring out the young earth morons. REPLY 15 View all 5 replies Kaneki Mulalo Kaneki Mulalo 2 months ago climate change is natural but humans are fast forwading it by being catalysts REPLY 89 View all 25 replies TF Sheahan TF Sheahan 3 months ago If the full wobble cycle is, in fact, 20,000 years, and the rains stopped 6,500 years ago, why is it necessary to wait another 15,000 years? (20,00 - 6,500 = 13,500 years). I know 20K is a rounded approximation, but shouldn't the rains start well in advance, say 10K+, from now to have a head start at replenishing the water tables? And they fail to specify which of the 3 Milankovitch orbital element changes are responsible for the 20,000 years. I'm guessing change in the axial tilt from 23 deg.. Read more REPLY 15 View all 12 replies quaxk quaxk 2 months ago WE WUZ SAHARA LAKE'S KANGZ 'N SHEIT! REPLY 15 View all 8 replies SuperRoggerRabbit SuperRoggerRabbit 2 months ago why do we keep telling BS stories about how things were made.... we do not have a clue. REPLY 12 View all 4 replies Robert Brynulf Robert Brynulf 3 months ago (edited) The Great Sahara Desert, which formed 3 million years ago, prevented human migration out of the Great Tropical Central African Basin into Europe. Thus the Negro was virtually cut off from Western Civilization. REPLY 23 View all 67 replies Bob 1 Bob 1 2 months ago I was expecting two droids to walk past when she sees that whale skeleton haha. REPLY 11 View all 3 replies waaaaste waaaaste 2 months ago Gaddafi brought that water up and set up the most advanced irrigation system in Africa, helping to set up the highest standard of living in Africa. He made the best use of the oil money. REPLY 11 View all 3 replies Gary Stavropoulos Gary Stavropoulos 3 months ago The comments for this video can be summed up as " wrong because the bible says...". REPLY 10 View all 8 replies Gary Johnson Gary Johnson 3 months ago combine the natural cycles with human impact and we are speeding up this cycle, which is why climate change is going to impact us sooner, in my estimation, the old saying don't Ness with mother nature....humans because of our short life span only think in terms of what will affect me in my life time, let the future generations worry about the future... Read more REPLY 10 View all 9 replies Mike Smeding Mike Smeding 2 months ago 5:05 Or perhaps instead of 36 million years ago, the great flood happens ~8000 years ago and as the flood water recede, the whales and a multitude of other marine life become trapped within the recessed valley, only to run out of water as it seeps into the earth. Then the tribes of that time and place call it for what it is: The valley of the whales. Read more REPLY 9 View all 6 replies Desi J Richert Desi J Richert 2 months ago You mean to tell me some guy just randomly looks for the edge of a "mega-lake" looks around for a few minutes and finds not only a skull from a herbivore but a stone tool? Just coincidence? I think not. These fuckers are planting this evidence to support their theories. REPLY 9 View all 5 replies Louis Accardi Louis Accardi 2 months ago (edited) Oh yeah, 36,000,000 years ago that type of whale died out. How do they know what happened 36 million years ago when there is no way of verifying that? What type of instrumentation are they using when they say something happened that long ago? Actually those are whopper guesses that aren't scientific at all. They have no way even today to prove that something happened 36 million years ago. I get tired of hearing these modern myths about things that happened or even billions of years ago. Hogwash. Read more REPLY 8 View all 6 replies wazza33racer wazza33racer 3 months ago what!! wobbles of the earth and sunspots cause climate change!! thats NOT possible..........according to Al Gore REPLY 8 View reply Akumawraith Akumawraith 3 months ago this was interesting until they said humanity moved from Africa and spread through the world when all evidence shows this was not possible as we have no idea where humans came from not how we even came to be. maybe when the Sumerian texts are translated more completely than 20% we will have a better understanding of where we actually started. Read more REPLY 8 View all 8 replies i scream i scream 2 months ago i fucking hate how they (history channel types) dramatize this kind of stuff. have some random person act like they're just seeing everything for the first time and force shock when they notice something. you don't need to try to keep our interest, we came here for a reason. REPLY 7 Space Tyrell Space Tyrell 2 months ago (edited) I hate documentaries like this: "it took upto 20 years to build" NO it should say "we THINK it MAY have taken 20 years to build" They always present theory as fact and possibly distort the truth or unknowingly are completely fabricating it. REPLY 7 View reply TheHadesShade TheHadesShade 2 months ago This documentary is a good example why I greatly dislike american documentary's, cheesy cliche lines and annoying/distracting background music that is over dramatized for each scene. REPLY 7 Victor Wizard Victor Wizard 2 months ago The actual length of this doc is of about 20 mins,but the rest is just shit repetitions ,as if it is designed for alzheimer patients. REPLY 6 peggyt1243 peggyt1243 2 months ago This video attempts to give the impression that the woman is investigating and discovering. Everything in this video was known before filming began. REPLY 6 View reply James Waller James Waller 3 months ago Great vid Wonderbook. Thanks. REPLY 6 Jim Thomason Jim Thomason 2 months ago carbon dating is not accurate! REPLY 6 Felipe saenz Felipe saenz 3 months ago Give more to the snowflakes, they want to stop using toilet paper to save trees..... REPLY 6 View all 2 replies Jon Dirty Jon Dirty 3 months ago Bible is bs REPLY 45 View all 37 replies ciaran devaney ciaran devaney 2 months ago what ever happened to real documentaries REPLY 5 fcmacken fcmacken 2 months ago What a load of quackademic crap! Egyptians didn't build the pyramids or the Sphinx (Anubis). This happened thousands of years before the Egyptians, by an advanced culture completely erased from our past! Egyptains just inherited the remains, and a few very smart priests found how to work the ancients devices they discovered and used them to seem as gods! Go to Egypt and see for yourself....we can't even begin to move, make or transform stone like this ancient culture...They knew secrets about how to manipulate matter with sound ....the ruins and stone remains scattered everywhere show extreme heat marks and scorching! A great cataclysm wiped them out, only to be replaced by the Egyptians thousands of years later and who were lost for the most part in the great flood...We have been lied to about our entire history...The earth has seen many cultures, giant and our size, not to mention amazing creatures, obliterated and start life over and over for millions of years! Don't be swayed by these fairy tales and seek the truth! Man has been around much longer than the so called scholars tell us! Stop believing your relatives came from monkeys! Read more REPLY 5 View all 2 replies chocolaterini17 chocolaterini17 2 months ago disable the comments...its full of racist and sexist REPLY 5 View all 2 replies looboo52251 looboo52251 2 months ago It's either Sahara or Desert, not both! Sahara means Desert. REPLY 5 View all 3 replies Auggies1956 Auggies1956 2 months ago 24:00 That out of Africa theory has been debunked with much older skeletons found in Maroco and Europe of Caucasian people. REPLY 5 View all 7 replies Felix langat Felix langat 2 months ago Question,No one knew anything with the pyramid,I mean no one knew how the pyramid was buit untill the recent past.That is 2504BC.If we did not know how the pyramid was made,how do scientiest easily mention the million figures in the age of the earth?How do you proof that your minds and measurements you come up with can account the age of the earth with million of years? Read more REPLY 5 View all 7 replies game exe game exe 2 months ago (edited) this whole documentary looks so fishy, not saying that the sea animals werent living there before or anything like that but the way those fossils just lay there in the open, undisturbed by man or creature, and not in some museum by now, and how she walks up to stuff and goes all "WOW" like its the first time shes seeing it and she discovered all of this just now and so effortlessly, its like all the fossils were conveniently laid out for her to find, show and tell us about. Also that part with the goat turds laying in sand like that, with nothing but sand under them, not ground like its supposed to be if they were really laid there when there was no desert yet. Read more REPLY 5 View all 12 replies Josh Link Josh Link 2 months ago Look at that ass REPLY 4 GDI GDI 2 months ago The Egyptians did not use giant ramps to build the pyramids. How outdated is your information? REPLY 4 Bobby Harper Bobby Harper 2 months ago There are more stars in the sky than there are grains of sand in the Sahara Desert. REPLY 4 John Kelly John Kelly 2 months ago The whales got trapped in the desert because of plate tectonics? I highly doubt that. You're implying that this occurred in only a few years. That most certainly isn't how plate tectonics works. REPLY 4 Homo Sapiens Homo Sapiens 2 months ago There is a lot of information missing maybe because her young age. Or left out for public missguidence like a lot of unfit information about and around this pyramids in Gizeh. I crossed the Sahara four times from North to South on lenghty trips within 2 years time. I saw big fossilized tree trunks and massive green and bluming areas as far as one can see. I learned from Tuaregs there is enough Water under the Sahara and they just travel from well to well. All sientist run around in blinkers and can tell only a fraction of the whole story. Until this system is changed, there is only part info but no realization about the full procedure. Read more REPLY 4 Rudy Texas Rudy Texas 2 months ago this proves Noah's flood REPLY 3 View all 12 replies MrVato53 MrVato53 2 months ago I think the only thing they got right is that the desert was once green. All wrong about the pyramids except what the blocks are made of. Time and dates and building of pyramids all wrong... REPLY 4 View reply STEPHEN SHARMA STEPHEN SHARMA 2 months ago i am surprise that he is finding stuff which was 20000 years ago ,,,ON THE SURFACE OF THE SAHARA ...I THINK THIS IS PLANTED EVIDENCE. REPLY 4 View reply earlysda earlysda 3 months ago The earth was made by Jesus Christ in 6 days. He rested the 7th (sundown Friday to sundown Saturday), and calls on us to keep that day holy in remembrance of his great power. REPLY 4 View all 6 replies TIERRA PLANA INC TIERRA PLANA INC 2 months ago The earth is flat REPLY 4 View all 3 replies Steve Graham: Photographer, Travel Writer Steve Graham: Photographer, Travel Writer 1 month ago (edited) This is semi-wonky science at best. The narrator states things with such absolute certainty as the whale dying out 36 million years ago! Where did that number come from? PFA: Plucked From Air. They have no clue, but they always state their guesses as fact. Ridiculous. And how the pyramids were built - with massive slave labor pulling massive blocks up ramps? They were laid with laser-like precision; something that the ancient race of builders knew how to do with techniques that would baffle our scientists. Giants? ET's? That would make more sense given the science behind it. A local indigenous slave race of humans? Not possible, given the magnitude of the project and the ingenuity behind it. Read more REPLY 3 View reply Frederick Burkert Frederick Burkert 2 months ago Given the amount of crude oil found there would have been a vast amount of zooplankton/algae and in times when the earth was higher in oxygen makes this not only credible but logical as far as marine life. If a forest as there too then there would be evidence of coal - am I wrong about that? REPLY 3 Janet Lewis Janet Lewis 2 months ago I guess the Sahara Desert was caused by global warming due to all the whale farts. REPLY 3 Justin Maxwell Justin Maxwell 2 months ago The entire planet was supposedly under water according to multiple flood stories from several different cultures so it's not surprising to see fossils in the desert REPLY 3 Francis Meloski Francis Meloski 2 months ago She is very smart with a nice bottom a winner for me. REPLY 3 Old Skool Old Skool 2 months ago Well Ireland & England where once tropical forest. That's what the peat bogs there are made up from, decomposed tropical plants (and animals). REPLY 3 Sundra Tanakoh Sundra Tanakoh 2 months ago Which explains the water erosion on the back of the sphinx, which is thought to be made well before the pyramids. As we can tell the HEAD is not the original. REPLY 3 View reply sarttee sarttee 2 months ago 28:00 HMMM NATURAL CLIMATE CHANGE.... SOMEONE GET BILL-NYE AND AL-GORE TO CARBON TAX THOSE WHALE BONES! REPLY 3 Devils Advocate Devils Advocate 2 months ago When the Sahara was green the sphinx was a lion REPLY 3 brindlebriar brindlebriar 2 months ago The pyramids might be 2.5k years old, but the Sphinx clearly dates back to a rainy period, due to heavy water erosion of the quarry surrounding it, from which its stones were quarried. Presumably, it was built during, but possibly before, the last rainy period, so 6.5k years ago or more? That's old, and should force us to re-think the history of humanity and civilization, imo. Read more REPLY 3 View all 4 replies Radwulf Eboraci Radwulf Eboraci 2 months ago Hmm, .. Garden of Eden? REPLY 3 View all 2 replies waaaaste waaaaste 2 months ago The wobble in the earth's rotation is known as the precession of the equinox and it's been documented for thousands of years. REPLY 3 View reply Smi-Le nguyen Smi-Le nguyen 2 months ago imagine all the shit that's buried underneath all the dunes aye. REPLY 3 Jan-Erik Sandli Jan-Erik Sandli 3 months ago it's so logical if man came from early Sahara, developed there for ions before spreading.if the shift comes every 20 000 years, the previous civilization would need to start from scratch again and again.. REPLY 3 View all 3 replies J T J T 2 months ago White desert privilege REPLY 3 Epona TwoSpiritHorse Epona TwoSpiritHorse 2 months ago I have often thought that the story of Man's eviction from the Garden of Eden by Michael with his fiery Sword could have been the way ancient peoples passed on and explained the loss of the green desert into the arid desert we see today. REPLY 3 Deez Nuts Deez Nuts 2 months ago PEOPLE NEED TO REALIZE THAT THERE WAS ADVANCE CIVILIZATIONS BEFORE US THRRES EVIDENCE POPPING UP BENEATH THR OCEAN AND ABOVE NASA SAID THERE WAS ATLEAST 30 ADVANCE CIVILIZATION BEFORE THAT WAR DESTROYED THEM TECHNOLOGICALLY THEY WERE ADVANCE AS WELL AND WE ARE NEXT REPLY 3 Gopher Cheese Gopher Cheese 2 months ago The sphinx in egypt has been weathered by water. You can see the water channels that were carved into it. They said that it must have existed since the last time the dessert was a jungle REPLY 3 View reply Wann, woher, wie und wieso? Wann, woher, wie und wieso? 2 months ago The Pyramids ar NOT made by man!!! REPLY 3 View all 5 replies Chris Young Chris Young 3 months ago The Sahara desert turns lucious GREEN when the ice age or cooler temps is in effect like 12,000 years ago when the last ice age ended. From 100,000 BC until 10,000 BC (last ice age cycle) the Sahara was fertile with lucious tree and plant growth like rainforest. When the ice age ended, and the floods came, it wiped out everything. Then temps increased the rainforest turned back into desert, as temps are to scorching for anything to grow like now. If the temps cool down again, the rains will flow, and rainforest will return. it's a cycle. Read more REPLY 3 View reply Michael Mallal Michael Mallal 3 months ago Maybe interior arid Australia was once forested too? Aboriginals are believed to have inhabited Australia for around 60,000 years. REPLY 3 View all 2 replies Horror Vacui Horror Vacui 2 months ago thx again white ppl for fucking shit up REPLY 3 View reply Gabriel Kolbe Gabriel Kolbe 2 months ago 19:22 now we are carbon dating none organic material? REPLY 2 J B J B 2 months ago humanity has been on earth for millions of years REPLY 2 View reply Himself Lee Himself Lee 2 months ago It is true that one of the largest fresh water aquifers lies beneath Saudi Arabia; however, we see what has happened in other areas when aquifers have been over used. It takes hundreds of years to create an aquifer and mankind can empty one in less than a hundred years. I am sure they are looking to that source and planning as to how to tap that resource in a sustainable manner. We know too well in California and other parts of the country what depleting aquifers means. It means water for people today and devastation for the next generation. Read more REPLY 2 Mr.DarHoe Mr.DarHoe 2 months ago had to stop after...." 2 million blocks in 20 years!,average 2 ton a block",,,that's cutting ,moving and setting 1 block every 4 minutes (approx.) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 20 years..FFS REPLY 2 Juan Pennisi Juan Pennisi 2 months ago 2 million blocks in 20 years = 100.000 blocks per year = 274 blocks every day = 11 blocks per hour, non stop. Anybody else smell something rotten? REPLY 2 Scarakus Scarakus 2 months ago (edited) HA! LIARS!, 3:05 Do the math, or let me do it for you; 2,000,000 - 2.5 ton blocks in 20 years... 2mil/20yrs=100,000 blocks a year, /365days=273.97 blocks a day, /24hrs= 11 blocks an hour... so they had less that 5 min to get the stone in to place, before the next one on the ramp arrived... not counting the countless tons of white cover limestone... REPLY 2 NJ Eddie NJ Eddie 2 months ago Chuck Norris' first job was as a lumberjack in the Sahara forest... REPLY 2 WatchYaToesKid WatchYaToesKid 2 months ago going to roll a blunt then watch this shot in a higher mind state. REPLY 2 Captain Raz Captain Raz 2 months ago Read Dune series. Worth more than this video. Same subject (kinda) REPLY 2 William Boared William Boared 2 months ago So, the fish swam across the green Sahara? Then 10,000 people showed up, made a few huts and bam! Global Warming. REPLY 2 Israel Alpizar Israel Alpizar 2 months ago Geologist Jen Smith, you're awesome, marry me. REPLY 2 Louis Accardi Louis Accardi 2 months ago OK, who put those whale bones there? The offer an explanation, but what if that wasn't true? REPLY 2 Debunker246 Debunker246 2 months ago Why not disable comments.. REPLY 2 Lynne Aqui Lynne Aqui 2 months ago Aliens! REPLY 2 Jeremy Lynes Jeremy Lynes 2 months ago With Giza having 2,300,000 blocks constructed in 20 years they would have to cut and place a stone every 4.5 minutes, 24/7. Wow, that is a wonder. REPLY 2 View all 3 replies Danie van der Westhuizen Danie van der Westhuizen 2 months ago Like climate change, this is a natural cycle. Deserts and forests shifts and changes, just like ice sheets and glaciers etc. It is how earth renew itself on the surface, while the subduction zones is where it recycles the crust. Everything is renewing cycles. We can just witness it, and try and adapt to it. We can't change or influence it. We are too puny and merely a nuisance to earth at best. Read more REPLY 2 Darren Bauer Darren Bauer 3 months ago People cut down the trees for firewood, then livestock ate all of the grass, then they burnt the dried dung for fires, destroying the fertilizer that fed the grass. It's still going on in northern Africa. Overpopulation and poorly thought out farming practices created the Sahara, and keep making it larger. The only reason there aren't many people still there is that they left when it stopped supporting them. Read more REPLY 1 View all 4 replies 16nowhereman 16nowhereman 1 month ago Not true, because the earth is flat! REPLY 2 View reply Jay Platano Jay Platano 2 months ago At soon as I heard this faggot saying how the pyramids were build I knew not to watch anymore. He's not ashamed to sound like an idiot saying that BS? 😂 REPLY 2 Bee Free Bee Free 2 months ago These stupid comments of millions of years is so asinine, I guess you can say anything...who can refute it....Stupid assumptions and spoken like it is absolute fact is too funny to have any credibility! REPLY 2 Paa kwasi Nyinaku Paa kwasi Nyinaku 2 months ago (edited) You guys just proved that Africans were the founders of the Ancient Egyptian civilization and yet you still depict the Ancient Egyptians as caucasians in your documentary. Unless you mean to tell me that jet black Africans from East Africa suddenly became caucasians in the Sahara and went on to create one of the most Advanced Civilizations in History. That is quite some neat magic trick you guys just pulled of. The politics of today.... If you don't believe in Karma then that's great for you if you are a caucasian, because to you, caucasians will rule the planet forever and can do whatever they want without any consequences, plus you can sleep better at night. For those who do believe.... your guess is as good as mine. Read more REPLY 2 View all 2 replies Russ G Russ G 2 months ago And, if that huge desert were green today, dumb Africans would poop out another TWO BILLION low-IQ babies to quickly strip it of all life. That's what the Third World does best. REPLY 2 View all 4 replies estebanlord420 estebanlord420 2 months ago its called mexico not south western united states you dumb motherfuckers REPLY 2 Arthur Hau Arthur Hau 3 months ago (edited) Read the Book of Job and you will see why most areas with Mediterranean climate have become deserts. North Africa, Middle East, East Turkestan, West Australia, Coast of Peru, and now California! Ignorant human agricultural activities and deforestation have created deserts all over the world. This documentary explains the landscape, but not the process of desertification. When the sea retreated to become land, normally it will become fertile land because of the alluvial soil washed down from inland. If there were whales and other sea creatures, that means the inland was very rich in organic matter. This is not what we see now. Read more REPLY 2 View all 5 replies David O'Donnell 3 months ago It's called deforestation kids. Read up on the migration of the human race out of Africa and then go to Google earth and look at the deserts. It's the same pattern. Now jump ahead in time to the great dust bowl.....nothing changes. REPLY 2 View all 2 replies Rikki West 3 months ago (edited) When Joseph was in Egypt and had the dream about the 7yrs of plenty and then 7yrs of NO rain ( drought ) that is when the desert was formed. ( Genesis 37 ).NKJB Genesis CH 5 to CH 9 . REPLY 10 View all 82 replies sumerbc 4 days ago (edited) @4:17 "Spread out over the sand lay hundreds of fossils first excavated in 1983." But that whale fossil is on the surface! Shouldn't it be buried under dozens of feet of sediment from 36,000,000 million years ago, in the ancient sea bed? Something isn't right here. Wind and rain over 36,000,000 years could have uncovered it of course . REPLY 1 TheMeze3l 1 week ago They lying at 3:07 The truth in story in the Quran God says they " Made of fire and clay " REPLY 1 BloodOfYeshuaMessiah BloodOfYeshuaMessiah 1 week ago (edited) This only confirms the flood of Noah! It is a fact that fossilization can only occur as a result of sudden death of the animal which must be immediately covered by water and sediment. The fact that dozens of dead animals are found in the valley of the whales , again, confirms a global catastrophic flood. The dates of millions of years of course are grossly in error. Read more REPLY 1 We are IF We are IF 2 weeks ago This is great, so interesting . REPLY Indrid Cold Indrid Cold 2 weeks ago Petrol powered vehicles and carbon dioxide made the Sahara dessert, or so the American politicians will lead you to believe. REPLY 1 Hatshepsut Hatshepsut 1 month ago Watchin this in 1480 BC, we out here building shit like crazy boiiiiiiii REPLY 1 Yo Momma Yo Momma 1 month ago FYI.......humans DID NOT build the pyramids. That is just what they want you to think. REPLY Kama Fuckim31 Kama Fuckim31 1 month ago The deserts in the middle East was at one time green, that's why there is so much oil in the middle East, if you understand how oil is made, (from ancent plant matter deep in the ground) then you would know this to be true!!! REPLY 1 View reply dizzy sleepers dizzy sleepers 1 month ago Of the earth rotates it's axis,,, their will be lush forests again, and the northamerica willl turn into a desert.. REPLY 1 Mark Duxberry Mark Duxberry 1 month ago (edited) So when the sea level rises due too globe warming ... Dig a channel and refill the lakes ... If they can dig a channel called the suez canal they ... REPLY 1 Yan Akatsuki Benitez Yan Akatsuki Benitez 1 month ago (edited) Stupidity is the home of ignorance and knowledge then wisdom is the precious water actually help us to see the true and refresh our knowledge . -Benitez This great info. Read more REPLY 1 peruface peruface 1 month ago So global warming is a pendulum swing REPLY 1 View reply Andrew Orchard Andrew Orchard 1 month ago I'm not saying it was the aliens who built the pyramids but it was defintely the aliens.... REPLY 1 Robert Burnett Robert Burnett 2 months ago mssaudm...everybody knows how the pyramids were built...except those who spend their lives, with scientific aids, at the sites, studying the area. They don't spend enough time on the internet to reach "honest" opinions. Right? REPLY 1 DUSaggin DUSaggin 2 months ago why don't we use all that sand for something useful? maybe bio-domes or something? REPLY Gaz Tinsley Gaz Tinsley 2 months ago GATHER ROUND CHILDREN ! IM GO ING TO TELL YOU A FAIRY TALE ! MILLIONS & MILLIONS & MILLIONS & MILLIONS & MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO ! THERE WAS NOTHING ! REPLY 1 CogitoErgoCogitoSum CogitoErgoCogitoSum 2 months ago You wanna know why the middle east and north africa is all desert? Because islam. REPLY 1 jeremy smith jeremy smith 2 months ago 2017 and this is 360p..... what the shit REPLY Richard Herrman AB- Richard Herrman AB- 2 months ago I've never been a Believer but I am now. of a certain body that comes through our solar system because if you look at things Hal life diminished in so many different years just in less than 3000 years or so there's always a catastrophic event that shows up in the mud and The Rock deposit and I got a feeling that this is going to happen again and what it does is wipe the Slate clean but not everything dies.! It sucks because I don't want it to happen in my lifetime I want to see my grandchildren and I want to see them grow up and I want them to grow up and see their grandbabies but we got to do what God has planned for us guaranteed 2000 years the United States will look totally different than what it does now do United States might be a desert area or it could be like the Antarctic who knows because of the proof of all the fireballs something is pushing them out of their orbit because since 2006 things has been getting worse and now our core is heating up so I think this happens every so often and there will be survivors and Life Will Go On Again I'm not saying I'm right because I was a non-believer to but there's so much scientific geologist that says that there's been so many changes every so thousand many years so it's bound to happen again whether or not if it's from a planet going through our solar system that's to be seen or it's just natural nature hopefully if people stop being so evil maybe the Earth wood stable I do believe things work on vibrations and the vibrations are so out of whack for this Earth right now we need a streak of luck to get all these corrupted evil people back in believing something other than worshiping evil things like today Read more REPLY 1 ike ike 2 months ago whale skeleton been unearthed just chilling for 30 mil years? lol quit watching right after that this is ridiculous REPLY 1 Freedom Storm Freedom Storm 2 months ago When the Sahara was green, that rock monolith had the head of a lion. REPLY 1 Antonym Umbra Antonym Umbra 2 months ago Hey, who's bones are you guys even lookin at lol. I mean hey have you talked to the guy? Is he alive behind another screen in another time? REPLY 1 Douglas Alan Douglas Alan 2 months ago The board of directors of Pepsi should be elated REPLY 1 vegasdime brown vegasdime brown 2 months ago god REPLY 1 Kyle Patillo Kyle Patillo 2 months ago wow the desert its self is bigger than the entire USA that's amazing that really puts how nigg Africa is in general REPLY 1 Charles Watson Charles Watson 2 months ago If they would divert the Nile westward into the Qattara Depression they would have a huge freshwater inland sea on the Egyptian/Lybian border. REPLY 1 Sinister Veridicus Sinister Veridicus 2 months ago The pyramid's stone were known to be of limestone, which comes from calcium deposits of marine organisms over eons. Not a big finding is it? REPLY 1 Scott Wallace Scott Wallace 2 months ago Science is pretty wonderful, isn't it? Thanks. REPLY View reply London Mountain London Mountain 2 months ago the quick solution to Sahara is IRRIGATION and FORESTATION REPLY 1

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