Saturday, July 29, 2017

and that there are bigger plans and an end to this system for a perfect paradise earth.

JW Brothers about 9 months ago · The infinite power of our Creator #jw #jwrussia The infinite power of our Creator #jw #jwrussia 374,167 Views Oscar del Rosario LikeCommentShare Top Comments 6.8K 6.8K 13,183 shares Comments Frances Flores Frances Flores It's no wonder the angels applauded at all the makings of creation of the heavens and the earth by Jehovah's great hands. Our appreciation of our grand creator abounds in awe!❤️ Like · Reply · 65 · October 29, 2016 at 6:55am Manage Hugi Bugi Hugi Bugi Wow! And millions think that this just suddenly happened without intelligence behind this? That people are not enough humble to see Jehovah The Creator, who used his magnificent power to create this Like · Reply · 41 · October 29, 2016 at 11:19pm Manage 1 Reply Patricia Villegas Patricia Villegas Woww not only is jehovah God a magnificent creator he also has the most beautiful attributes and qualities, is it any wonder that many are so drawn to him,all glory is to him❤️ Like · Reply · 22 · October 30, 2016 at 7:29am Manage Wilmer Salas Wilmer Salas No wonder He alone promises ressurection .. Because his marvelous and awesme power demonstrate that He created all things from nothingness to the infinite vastness of the universe.. Like · Reply · 28 · October 29, 2016 at 12:09pm Manage Kim Chambers Kim Chambers We are so small, but Jehovah does not treat us as insignificant. Out of all his creations we are special to him. Nothing is made in his likeness except us. No matter how imperfect we are and undeserving of his kindness, he cares for us so much he gave his only begotten son so our ransome could be paid, and if we so choose to service him be brought out of sin and imperfection and rewarded with a cleaned earth, A Paradise that he wants us to enjoy. Stay Loyal to Jehovah. Like · Reply · 18 · March 7 at 2:25am Manage 2 Replies Trinidad Seloveres Trinidad Seloveres wow.even the said trillion light yr distances jehovah god on His throne above ,sees us even our #physical #information. i will praise you jehovah because all the things you have made are so awe inspiring.rev.4:11 Like · Reply · 19 · October 29, 2016 at 6:47pm Manage 1 Reply Shannon Minshew Shannon Minshew Anyone who believes alk these complex things from the tiniest cell to the giant planets and infinite Universe came by chance are so blind. It is obvious an Almighty Creator did it. Like · Reply · 14 · October 31, 2016 at 1:20pm Manage 1 Reply Ruth Billones Ruth Billones Though we seemed insignificant in Jehovah's eyes, he cares for each one of us- even our hair he knows its number. This video really moved me to love and serve our Grand Creator, Jehovah God. Like · Reply · 18 · November 7, 2016 at 7:06pm Manage Tina Povey Tina Povey That's so wonderful Romans 1 v 20 for his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward because they are perceived by the things made even his eternal power and Godship so that they are inexcusable. You are worthy Jehovah our God to receive the glory and the honor Revelation 4 v 11 Like · Reply · 16 · December 29, 2016 at 7:50am Manage JD Douglas JD Douglas Raised in the truth but never baptized. Getting back to meetings now but this is the kind of stuff that I constantly think about and try to talk to friends about. You CANNOT tell me or anyone that this system wasn't created by Jehovah and that there are bigger plans and an end to this system for a perfect paradise earth. This just didn't happen by "chance" ๐Ÿ˜ Like · Reply · 7 · April 19 at 12:14pm Manage 2 Replies 10 of 557 View more comments Oscar del Rosario Write a comment...

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