Sunday, July 30, 2017

Light Of Salvation about 4 months ago JUDGMENT DAY

Shakira Milton shared Light Of Salvation's video. 4 hrs · Pause -3:21 Additional Visual SettingsEnter Watch And ScrollEnter Fullscreen Unmute 2,723,789 Views Light Of Salvation March 19 · - DO NOT IGNORE GOD'S WARNING! End Of The World Movie Scenes Compilation (Click HD for better video quality) Do You Believe That GOD Will Destroy The World By Fire? Answer: We believe that God will destroy the world by means of a literal fire on Judgment Day as the Bible teaches. Apostle Peter explained this by comparing what would happen on Judgment Day with what happened during the time of Noah: For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up (2 Pet 3:5-7, 10). As the ancient civilization was destroyed literally through a great flood, the present world will also be literally destroyed by fire on Christ’s Second Advent. Apostle Paul wrote: And to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power (2 Thess 1:7-9). Even before the Christian era, God forewarned through His prophets that He would destroy the world by fire: Neither their silver nor their gold Shall be able to deliver them In the day of the LORD’s wrath; But the whole land shall be devoured By the fire of His jealousy, For He will make speedy riddance Of all those who dwell in the land (Zeph 1:18). Hence, just as God’s wrath is real, no one should conclude that the fire He will use in destroying the world is unreal or only a figure of speech. We should also understand that Christ does not by Himself know when the Day of Judgment will come, but only the Father in heaven does (Matt 24:36 NIV). In spite of this fact, Jehovah’s Witnesses has repeatedly tried to predict the Second Advent of Christ and failed consistently. These failures were published in its books and magazines, proving that it is not the true religion: 1874 The Scriptural proof is that the period of his presence and the day of God’s preparation is a period from 1874 A.D. forward. The second coming of the Lord, therefore, began in 1874; and that date and the years 1914 to 1918 are specially marked dates with reference to his coming (Creation, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1927, page 289). [emphasis ours] 1914 Bible evidence shows that in the year 1914 C.E. God’s time arrived for Christ to return and begin ruling. Christ’s return does not mean that he literally comes back to this earth. Rather, it means that he takes Kingdom power toward this earth and turns his attention to it. He does not need to leave his heavenly throne and actually come down to earth to do this. Since Christ’s return is invisible, is there a way to confirm that it has really occurred. Yes, there is. Christ himself gave a visible “sign” by which we may know that he is invisibly present and the end of the world is near (You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (1982), page 147). [emphasis ours] 1975 According to this trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years from man’s creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 C.E. (Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1966, page 29). [emphasis ours] The true religion teaches that only the Heavenly Father knows the exact time of the Day of Judgment and that He will destroy the earth by means of real fire as written in the Bible. IGLESIA NI CRISTO | CHURCH OF CHRIST

Saturday, July 29, 2017

and that there are bigger plans and an end to this system for a perfect paradise earth.

JW Brothers about 9 months ago · The infinite power of our Creator #jw #jwrussia The infinite power of our Creator #jw #jwrussia 374,167 Views Oscar del Rosario LikeCommentShare Top Comments 6.8K 6.8K 13,183 shares Comments Frances Flores Frances Flores It's no wonder the angels applauded at all the makings of creation of the heavens and the earth by Jehovah's great hands. Our appreciation of our grand creator abounds in awe!❤️ Like · Reply · 65 · October 29, 2016 at 6:55am Manage Hugi Bugi Hugi Bugi Wow! And millions think that this just suddenly happened without intelligence behind this? That people are not enough humble to see Jehovah The Creator, who used his magnificent power to create this Like · Reply · 41 · October 29, 2016 at 11:19pm Manage 1 Reply Patricia Villegas Patricia Villegas Woww not only is jehovah God a magnificent creator he also has the most beautiful attributes and qualities, is it any wonder that many are so drawn to him,all glory is to him❤️ Like · Reply · 22 · October 30, 2016 at 7:29am Manage Wilmer Salas Wilmer Salas No wonder He alone promises ressurection .. Because his marvelous and awesme power demonstrate that He created all things from nothingness to the infinite vastness of the universe.. Like · Reply · 28 · October 29, 2016 at 12:09pm Manage Kim Chambers Kim Chambers We are so small, but Jehovah does not treat us as insignificant. Out of all his creations we are special to him. Nothing is made in his likeness except us. No matter how imperfect we are and undeserving of his kindness, he cares for us so much he gave his only begotten son so our ransome could be paid, and if we so choose to service him be brought out of sin and imperfection and rewarded with a cleaned earth, A Paradise that he wants us to enjoy. Stay Loyal to Jehovah. Like · Reply · 18 · March 7 at 2:25am Manage 2 Replies Trinidad Seloveres Trinidad Seloveres wow.even the said trillion light yr distances jehovah god on His throne above ,sees us even our #physical #information. i will praise you jehovah because all the things you have made are so awe inspiring.rev.4:11 Like · Reply · 19 · October 29, 2016 at 6:47pm Manage 1 Reply Shannon Minshew Shannon Minshew Anyone who believes alk these complex things from the tiniest cell to the giant planets and infinite Universe came by chance are so blind. It is obvious an Almighty Creator did it. Like · Reply · 14 · October 31, 2016 at 1:20pm Manage 1 Reply Ruth Billones Ruth Billones Though we seemed insignificant in Jehovah's eyes, he cares for each one of us- even our hair he knows its number. This video really moved me to love and serve our Grand Creator, Jehovah God. Like · Reply · 18 · November 7, 2016 at 7:06pm Manage Tina Povey Tina Povey That's so wonderful Romans 1 v 20 for his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward because they are perceived by the things made even his eternal power and Godship so that they are inexcusable. You are worthy Jehovah our God to receive the glory and the honor Revelation 4 v 11 Like · Reply · 16 · December 29, 2016 at 7:50am Manage JD Douglas JD Douglas Raised in the truth but never baptized. Getting back to meetings now but this is the kind of stuff that I constantly think about and try to talk to friends about. You CANNOT tell me or anyone that this system wasn't created by Jehovah and that there are bigger plans and an end to this system for a perfect paradise earth. This just didn't happen by "chance" 😁 Like · Reply · 7 · April 19 at 12:14pm Manage 2 Replies 10 of 557 View more comments Oscar del Rosario Write a comment...


Remember. Oscar del Rosario LikeCommentShare Top Comments 449 449 216 shares 11 Comments Comments Bonnie Burt Bonnie Burt My dad is in Heaven. He is somewhere in that mix of soldiers. Mom said the war changed him. Dear GOD, please give dad a HUG and tell his daughter is proud of him. Thank GOD for all the military men, and their families on this day, in 1944. Your sacrifices will always be remembered. Like · Reply · 2 · June 7 at 1:15pm Manage Zack Leonard Zack Leonard After the initial slaughter did we fill that beach up like that. Alot of Americans never came home from Dog 1 LZ Omaha Beach. Like · Reply · June 7 at 5:07am Manage Thomas Kretzschmar Thomas Kretzschmar Do you also remember and mourn the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima by American troops? Like · Reply · 1 · June 6 at 9:11pm Manage 15 Replies Jason B. Collins Jason B. Collins You really have to fight for your freedom. It doesn't come free. Like · Reply · June 7 at 2:16pm Manage Roland Hutson Roland Hutson You're not speaking German BECAUSE-------- Like · Reply · 2 · June 6 at 8:52pm Manage Mike Catey Mike Catey Incredible, I've never seen that before. Like · Reply · June 6 at 11:05pm Manage View 5 more comments Oscar del Rosario Write a comment...

Our lives are but a vapor here on Earth...this life determines our eternity

AskDrBrown Page Liked · June 7 · Oscar del Rosario LikeCommentShare Top Comments 2.8K 2.8K 1,682 shares 65 Comments Comments Patty Ann Daniels Patty Ann Daniels Our lives are but a vapor here on Earth...this life determines our eternity, either living eternally with our Lord God and our Saviour or eternally in hell with Satan and the demons. choose wisely, choose Jesus as your Lord and Saviour...eternity is forever and ever. Like · Reply · 4 · June 7 at 10:51am Manage 1 Reply Mike Mariona Mike Mariona All you people need to be responsible for you own actions sins or crimes if you spect someone else to pay for !!!!!! Houston we got a problem! !!!!! Like · Reply · June 7 at 3:34pm Manage 2 Replies L.a. Moore L.a. Moore I read a quote but I'm not sure the author."If I was in Hell and Jesus was with me it would be Heaven.If I was in Heaven and Jesus was not there,. it would be Hell". Like · Reply · 1 · June 7 at 3:53pm Manage Wheeler Dryden Wheeler Dryden Kinda self-congratulatory. I have known and worked with people of different faiths, and people with no faith. Their lives are full, happy, and rewarding. Like · Reply · June 8 at 9:34pm Manage Tami Standridge Chambers Tami Tami Standridge Chambers Tami JESUS Is ETERNITY !!!! EVERYTHING ELSE IS TEMPORARY !!!! :) ... REMEMBER TO PASS THE BATON OF FAITH TO FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND ALL WHO THE LORD HAS CROSS YOUR PATH IN LIFE ... !!!!BLESSINGS :) Like · Reply · 4 · June 7 at 10:09am Manage Alfonso Cabrera Alfonso Cabrera Everyone says the same thing about there beliefs. How can they be all true? All these beliefs have conditions, it causes separation, judgement, labels, as for unconditional love, it unites, it brings all human beings as one, it has no labels, it doesn'...See More Like · Reply · June 7 at 12:26pm Manage 6 of 65 View more comments Oscar del Rosario Write a comment...

Yes, there’s always a controversy when it comes to Israel and the Jewish people!

AskDrBrown Page Liked · June 9 · Yes, there’s always a controversy when it comes to Israel and the Jewish people! Oscar del Rosario LikeCommentShare Top Comments 956 956 310 shares 100 Comments Comments Ben Hardy Ben Hardy Banning a movie because the lead actress is Israeli. That says a lot about the countries that are banning this. No tolerance. No diversity. Libs should be boycotting those countries, not Israel. Like · Reply · 36 · June 9 at 12:01pm Manage 1 Reply Dustin Lee Vaughn Dustin Lee Vaughn and she served not only the role but Israel very well in this. the nation of Israel has reason to be proud of this daughter. She did a wonderful job in the movie! (pun intended) Like · Reply · 27 · June 9 at 11:52am Manage Scott Smith Scott Smith This movie is a powerful symbol of the Holy Spirit and spiritual warfare in the life of the believer. There are at least 20 obvious parallels, and the best part is that the producers haven't a clue how God is even using Hollywood to get the message across. Like · Reply · 15 · June 9 at 10:59am Manage 12 Replies Rhonda Knott Rhonda Knott She was Awesome!! Will go and see the movie for a SECOND time ....very nice parallels drawn between fictional good and evil , and what we battle in reality.... Obviously we should be cautious of the whole Greek god theme...But the lady was fabulous Like · Reply · 3 · June 9 at 4:38pm Manage Chen Nachshoni Chen Nachshoni I live and borne in Israel. In the 70's, Egypt was big enemy of Israel and we had terrible wars with them until the peace agreement in the end of the 70's. Every Friday all this years we had an Egyptian movie in our single TV channel and most people loved to watch it....See More Like · Reply · June 11 at 3:45pm Manage Helen Kinsey Helen Kinsey I loved seeing the movie. She did an awesome job! Such a positive theme being expressed -"wonder" woman. Praise God for all the 'wonder' women, young & old, in our world!❤ Like · Reply · 1 · June 10 at 12:18am Manage 6 of 100 View more comments Oscar del Rosario Write a comment...

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Ann F. E. Wynkoop Follow · May 23 · God warns none of His prophecies shall fail . . . "For I am God, and there is no other. for I am God, and there is none like me . . . Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done." (Isaiah 46:9-10) A Future Warning For Israel and the World . . . Remember, God uses prophecy to prove He is who He says His is, and to authenticate all the warnings and the promises found in the Bible . . . The Bible warns a series of prophetic events which will change the world forever would begin to unfold after Israel would once again become a sovereign Nation (after 2,500 years) which was fulfilled on May 14, 1948! God has a covenant with Israel that will never be broken. He has revealed a destiny for the nation Israel which will soon be completed. God has declared a new covenant (see Jeremiah 31:31) and destiny for a people to be drawn from the whole world, through His Messiah, including any and all of the children of Israel who recognize and come to know their Messiah from Scripture. This new covenant is a promise for all who believe in Him (Jesus Christ ... Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ... also sent forth as 'a light unto the Gentiles') and will accept Him as their Lord and Savior (saving us from our sins and from the darkness and torment of Hell.) Have a hard time believing in God? The above verses are clear . . . Why? God is warning us . . . Please remember . . . The Kingdom of Heaven is available to every man, woman, boy, and girl in this world, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they have done. It is freely offered to any and all who will receive it. Simply learn of Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah, invite Him into your life as Lord, believe He died on the Cross for all of your sins and rose from the grave (proving there is a Kingdom of Heaven ... and a coming resurrection for both those who are going to Heaven and for those who are going to Hell). Learn of Him and believe in Him . . . for He was the only one who has ever loved you enough to substitute Himself for you on the Cross (which represents Hell). He shed His blood, suffered, and died on the Cross to save you from your sins and from the utter darkness, aloneness, and torment of Hell, if you will accept it, believe it, and trust in it. That is why Jesus is called Savior. He now lovingly and graciously offers you life in Heaven (and we are warned it is a "take it or leave it" proposition.) We have to consciously receive it and accept it in faith. If you sincerely admit you have sinned (and need a Savior to get into Heaven) and fully trust in Him alone to save you from your sins and from Hell ... and turn away ("repent") from those things God says are wrong and turn back to God, you will go to Heaven ... and with open arms and tears of joy He will receive all who will come to Him in faith and in love ... It's God's Promise!!! The only unpardonable sin is to reject (or ignore) God's love and His free offer of eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven by rejecting His Son ... Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha'Mashiach in Hebrew) ... who stepped forth from Eternity ("from of old, from everlasting"... see Micah 5:2) ... not to condemn the sinner, but to save the sinner (from the torment of Hell) and who willingly and lovingly shed His blood and bore all of our sins and guilt on the Cross so we can be "washed clean" and forgiven of all our sins. The Bible warns there will be no peace in our hearts or minds until we make peace with God through His Son, Jesus (Yeshua), the promised Messiah. The Bible also warns clearly there will be no peace in Israel or on Earth until Jesus (Yeshua), the Messiah returns . . . Grace and Shalom! LikeCommentShare 5 5 1 share 1 Comment Comments Gerri Marshall Gooch Gerri Marshall Gooch Amen Like · Reply · May 23 at 8:50am Oscar del Rosario Write a comment... Choose File

Each day war forces thousands of families to flee their homes. To escape the violence and persecution, they leave everything behind. Join the greatest global movement in support of refugees. #SignAndPass SIGN NOW #SignAndPass 1.526.257 people have already signed First name Last name E-mail I am over 18 years old Yes, I want UNHCR and the FC Barcelona Foundation to keep me informed about this campaign and how I can support refugees. I have read and accepted the legal conditions and terms SIGN NOW #SignAndPass

#WithRefugees In 2016 UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, launched the #WithRefugees Campaign and Petition as a way for the public to show their solidarity and empathy with people forced to flee. The #WithRefugees Petition sends a clear message to governments to work together and do their fair share for refugees. The petition includes three specific asks: Make sure every refugee child gets an education. Make sure every refugee family has somewhere safe to live. Make sure every refugee can work or learn new skills to support their families In 2018 world leaders will come to the UN to agree on a more just way of managing the global refugee crisis. This agreement, called The Global Compact for Refugees is all about sharing responsibility; where all parts of society stand together #WithRefugees and do their fair share instead of leaving individual states to bear the burden of mass forced displacement. Our campaign will continue until the Global Compact is adopted. We stand together #WithRefugees, Stand with us, go to

#SignAndPass We believe that all refugees deserve to live in safety, receive an education, and be able to provide for their families. For this reason, FC Barcelona Foundation and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, have launched the #SignAndPass campaign to invite people around the world to show their solidarity with refugees. By joining #SignAndPass, you are providing more than just a signature. You are signing the #WithRefugees petition and joining a global movement asking world leaders to share responsibility and do more for families forced to flee. More info

1.526.257 people have already signed